
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hell's Kitchen Season 10: Episode 4 Recap

Chef Ramsay is back and he is so angry on Hell's Kitchen. Everyone is getting kicked out of Hell's Kitchen tonight during dinner service, but who got sent home? Find out in my recap.

Who do you think is the best chef on the show? Tell me in the comments!

Who should have been sent home tonight?
See results

1 comment:

  1. There was nothing but chaos in the kitchen. Some of the Chefs acted like they’ve never cooked a meal in their life. I'm surprised Don kept messing up fish after fish. It was a good thing that Chef Ramsay too the step and eliminated him. The groups were doing bad and that lead to Ramsay just shutting down the kitchen altogether. I’ve been hooked on this show for a bit and I can’t get enough of this show. The past few episodes were great, not having those annoying commercials. This is all thanks to my auto hop feature. I’m glad my coworker at Dish showed me this new feature, which gives me the option to choose to skip the commercials or not. This feature does the fast forwarding for you, when you enable the feature. Now I’m going to be able to save money on batteries because I no longer need to skip ahead every ten minutes.
