They all came out on their little BMX bikes, but American BMX Stunt Team went home with a trip to Vegas, as they impressed the judges of America's Got Talent with their fun and daring act. Check it out above and tell me in the comments if you were impressed!
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This was a sweet act and I love the talent performed. I used to do stunts on my bike too and it’s no easy task. It can take years to get great and the BMX stunt team did a great job. I hope they make it in Vegas. What has me just as excited is the fact that I was able to watch Americas Got Talent commercial free for the past few weeks. I’ve been using the Auto Hop feature to skip commercials after my coworker at Dish showed me its function. It's a feature you can enable to automatically skip the commercials or watch them on primetime shows. The Hopper’s auto hop feature, still allows networks to advertiser their commercials, this feature eliminates the hassle of manually fast forwarding commercials, which's what most of us do. It’s wonderful, not having to worry about skipping the commercials and it gives my remote a break.